Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day One on the Run

     First off I want to start off by adjusting a statement that I made yesterday. There are many blogs out there that are written by dads for dads. They are cover a very wide range of topics and are written from different view points (stay at home dad and working dad). I apologize if I hurt or offended anyone. I was working off of flawed research and no sleep. I had been up about twenty-six hours when that post was written. Lesson learned, never post to your blog when you are tired.
     Now, for the pleasantries. I would like to welcome a new dad to the Running. My baby brother Sean Keltner has just had his first child. He was born at 12:42 A.M. EDT. Baby and momma are doing well and the whole family should get to come home in a day or two.

     Today was my first day on my running program. I am attempting to fight cigarette cravings and keep myself in shape while quitting smoking. My goal is to fend off the weight that some people tend to gain when they quit smoking, and eventually make it up to running in my local 5k. After that who knows. I am not necessarily trying to win the Boston, but a good solid health and wellness routine is always a good idea. Besides, my daughter loved getting into the jogging stroller this morning and going, as she put it, "chasing" with daddy. Since I work a lot of weird hours, mostly 7p-7a, I don't get to see either of my kids as much as I would like to. So I spend as much time as I can with my family. Sometimes doing the little things like taking her for my run everyday mean the most to them. I know the things that I remember the best from when I was a kid are the little things that my dad and I did together.

Well, it is time for me to get off of here and until next time,

     This is Thomas Keltner, a Dad on the Run     

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dad on the Run

     When I originally had the idea to start this blog, I was going to mainly do it about the struggles of the dad who works full time and tries to stay in shape. Well, that isn't going to happen. My head exploded with ideas. I have seen a few different blogs out there for dads or by dads. The main problem I have with them is that, with a few exceptions, they all seem to cover only one topic. Not this one. I am going to talk about whatever pops into my head. Mainly though, I am going to cover being a dad.
     This is not an easy topic to cover. There are a million and one aspects to being a dad. However, we shall persevere. Along with advice from the school of hard knocks on parenting, I will be covering everything from tech for new dads, outdoor and sports equipment, religion, and anything else that pops into my overworked, overexerted little brain. I have a few basic rules however.

Rule #1: This is my blog. It is a place where I vent, rant, and voice my opinion.

Rule #2: Civil, intelligent discussion about any post is encouraged.

Rule #3: We do not discuss politics, University of Louisville sports, or the St. Louis Cardinals.

Rule #4: Please be respectful and keep all comments as close to PG rated as possible.

Other than that, I do not care where discussions in the comment feeds go.

     Lastly, I do not have a degree nor am I an expert in anything. Any products that I review on this blog are from personal use. Any advice I give about anything should be double checked with an expert. Again, I am simply a dad who is attempting to help other dads out there who may be going through some of the same issues that I have gone through in the past. If anyone would like to see me do a post on something specific, please feel free to email me at: therunningofthedads@gmail.com.

This is Thomas Keltner and I am a Dad on the Run.